“Because reporting and editing are honest-to-God actual fucking jobs…”

Pubblicato il: 18/04/2009 — Tematiche: english,personaggi,segnalazioni

“Because reporting and editing are honest-to-God actual fucking jobs that don’t get taught at the Huffington Post and the Daily Beast, and because all those faceless blog-networks infesting the Bay Area like tongue herpes have no interest in their minimum-wage blogmonkeys thinking about anything bigger than their hitcount. These things are fun and great for finding out about paedo-paramedics and Ukrainian porn, but they shouldn’t be confused with informed reportage and actual thinking.”

Wired UK Columnist Warren Ellis: ‘We’re living in the last days of the Roman empire’

Ecco i commenti

  1. Spot on. Print journalism may be dead, but journalism per se lives on, and needs funding.


    Commento di nda — 17 June 2009 alle 6:47 pm

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